Learning to make Money Online – four Easy Ways to Promote Your own Affiliate Offer


This is the 2nd installment of a two-component series. In the first post, I discussed how a fast online income can be created with no previous experience in affiliate marketing or web design expertise. I went over precisely how ClickBank, an affiliate network may be used as a source for finding an affiliate item to promote, then I went on in order to outline the first 3 methods for promoting the product, namely; Myspace, Yahoo Answers, and Tweet. In continuation of those listed below are the other four ways to market your affiliate product through ClickBank. In continuation of these here are the other four methods to promote your affiliate item from ClickBank.

Commenting (Forums and Blogs)

Commenting is an excellent way to gain some site visitors to your website. Not only will you be assisting and interacting with others but you’ll also be increasing the actual exposure your affiliate provides.

Google some forums which are related to the niche when you chose your affiliate item. If you’re involved in internet marketing similar to I am then a couple of fine ones for you would be Im4newbies. com and WarriorForum. com. (You’re welcome). There are more around but you’ll have to do some research.

Getting started with these forums is a very quick process but it could take a little while to create new profiles per forum (keep the get access you create consistently). After you’re signed up for a few, join and begin interacting with others by simply commenting on good blog posts.

NEVER, EVER introduce on your own. I learned this tough way so take it via me when I say act like an experience and just get active.

Get posts that are relevant to your own personal product/niche and reply to these people. If you don’t have a suitable response subsequently Google one. You’ll be amazed at what you find.

Make sure your responses are relevant and audio-natural. It didn’t get long for me to realize that individuals in those forums significantly frown upon being promoted and they won’t think twice to let you know. Don’t market anything yet.

Most of these community forums require that you have a minimum of 10 posts before you can create a signature bank or put a link within your profile so get energetic.

Once you have ten comments you’ll certainly be upgraded. This is when you can use your own affiliate product link within your comment signature and as a portion of your profile. This way you are not selling anything but still providing your offer exposure.

Another highly lucrative place to think is on relevant personal blogs in your niche. Don’t content and paste comments, style something new and natural.

Nearly all blogs require that you log in before commenting so work with that to your advantage by using the web page link in your profile. This way if someone clicks on the identity in your comment they are arriving at your affiliate product.

When your comment is relevant and very helpful you’ve already presold these on what you’re promoting.

Inside your comment itself, you can advise your affiliate product according to what the topic is in the palm.


Go to YouTube. com and create a profile using the very same login details as your additional social profiles like Facebook or myspace, Twitter, etc.

When creating your current profile make sure to put the URL to your affiliate offer inside the spot where it requests your website.

Search for high-targeted traffic videos in your niche and also leave some relevant reviews. I suggest leaving any inbound links out of your comments because they are countless others doing it that your think will not stand out or most awfully come off as spam. Having strong comments readers should know more about you. They will link to your profile where they will find the link to your give.

If you are very comfortable with your personal niche you can take it just one step further by making your individual video that’s relevant to the product or service you’re promoting using a basic webcam.

In the resource container (author box) recommend your current affiliate product in a soft-sell manner. Ex: For Weight Loss specific niche market; “I used to struggle with our weight and everything I actually tried in the past always produced the same results, NOTHING! But that has been till I tried this device (your affiliate offer). That worked really well for me. I believe better than I have in yrs so I highly recommend you try it out too. ”

Everyone loves a new recommendation so this should assist in getting clicks to your online offer.


This one is a straightforward way of getting some of your contacts (friends, coworkers, etc) to enjoy your offer. Don’t suppose they won’t be interested because in that case, you’re already limiting your personal audience.

Create a personal email address that will entice them to simply click through to your offer, particularly when it’s in a niche that could be of interest to them.

Increase the direct exposure of your email by stimulating others to forward that. Offer a prize to the particular person with the most forwarded email to build some competition. Unless you can afford to shell out on an expensive winning prize, something unused that you previously own should work perfectly.

Fiverr. com

This advertising strategy is by far the easiest and also quickest way to promote your current offer, however, it is going to cost about $5.

Fiverr. com is a site where folks around the world offer to perform a variety of services for only 5 cash. For the price of a subway footlong, you can get anything coming from having someone roll in often the grass wearing a rabbit outfit, to doing a voice-over, to tweeting your write-up to their followers.

Sign up for an absolutely free account and once again try to use precisely the same login details as your different social profiles

Go to PayPal. com and sign up for a tally if you don’t already have one. PayPal is the payment processing provider that Fiverr uses to help process your order.

The rear on Fiverr, search for “Social Networking”. You will get a listing of within a hundred people who will showcase your product for $5.

Look through the results and pick out someone who not only has loads of positive feedback from other end users but also plenty of Facebook lovers or friends and Twits followers.

Click on a promotion provider that they are offering and the internet site will guide you through the PayPal payment processor. Simply makes use of the PayPal account information that you placed in step 4.

Be sure to check that anyone delivered the service an individual paid for.

Once you begin to observe some results you can do this repeatedly to get more exposure to your internet marketer offer.

Down the line it can be used to promote new gives that you decide to promote no matter the niche that they are in.

And have it folks, 8 basic steps that are sure to jumpstart your income. It is highly less likely that you won’t make it pay with the methods I’ve proven provided you follow the methods properly and put in the level of work necessary. If you are generally not seeing the kind of results you want in the beginning then just retain tweaking it till your revenue-generating machine is jogging on all cylinders. Betty Edison didn’t invent the sunshine bulb on one try to ensure the key is to keep working on it.

Sidenote: Another great online network outside of ClickBank I would recommend is ShareAsale. com where you can sign up in 5 various easy steps and begin promoting solutions instantly. Their advertisers give some of the best of the best payout proportions in the business.

Here’s a toast to the success!

Read also: Just How Blogging Helped Me Turbocharge Our Credibility And Attracted Multi-Level Marketing…