Orange Theory Reviews – 3 Reasons to Check Out the Fitness Studio


Orange Theory Reviews

Orange Theory is an excellent option if you are looking for a fitness studio that relies on heart rate to torch calories. Read on to learn about membership costs, staff attitude, and effectiveness. Of course, you’ll want to check out Orange Theory reviews before you sign up. Here are our top 3 reasons to check out Orange Theory. In addition to a competitive price, Orange Theory offers a wide range of fitness classes to suit your needs. Read on to find out what our members say about Orange Theory.

Fitness studio that relies on your heart rate to torch calories

A high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout is a time-efficient way to burn calories. It’s also extremely effective in burning fat and toning muscles. You can enjoy a class in a community fitness environment or choose an exercise routine that uses your heart rate as a guide. Then, you can enjoy the benefits of a HIIT workout while building muscle and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Cost of membership

Considering joining the fitness center, you should know that the cost varies by location. While the pricing for unlimited access to all classes is generally the same, the exact cost may vary. For example, unlimited class membership can cost $179 per month, while a limited-access membership costs $19 per month. Additionally, if you want to take more classes than the basic unlimited plan, you can purchase class packs and pay less than $8 per class.

Depending on how much you’re looking to spend on your membership, you may want to check out OrangeTheory’s corporate discounts. These deals can knock $10 or more off your monthly dues and include free team-building workouts and a free intro class. Corporate members of partner companies can also enjoy military, teacher, and first-responder discounts. Also, check with your local franchise to see if they offer discounts for armed forces members. You can also check Groupon for a great sign-up offer.

Currently, Orangetheory has no fixed cost, but membership costs vary depending on your location and plan. However, the cost is fairly accurate. If you’d like to freeze your membership, contact the company 30 days in advance. After this time, you will still have to pay an administrative fee, which varies by location. You can also opt to skip one month, but you’ll lose your privilege to attend classes at Orangetheory.

One downside of Orangetheory’s membership costs is the price. The basic plan costs $59 per month, including four weekly classes, a heart rate monitor, and a gym membership. But you can add up those extras and get the same great workout for a fraction of the price. A membership at Orangetheory will pay off in the end, and it’s worth it if you find a way to use your membership at home.

Whether or not OrangeTheory is worth the cost will depend on your personal needs and goals. Beginners can use the classes, and those with limited fitness experience can get started by working with the coaches and other members. Inexperienced members may need to ease into the program, but for those with less serious issues, OrangeTheory will help them get started and maintain the desired results. Finally, we’ll break down the costs and recommend other fitness facilities.


If you’re looking for a high-energy group fitness experience, OrangeTheory might be for you. Its intense cardio routine will help you burn plenty of calories. You’ll also have the advantage of working with like-minded individuals, allowing you to keep up with a friend’s workouts. However, you’ll have to fork over more money than you’d spend on an average gym membership.

As for the class itself, it’s a lot like SoulCycle, but instead of a soul-crushing dance party, it involves an interval-training class. Like SoulCycle, Orangetheory involves loud music, an enthusiastic instructor, and air conditioning. Members alternate between running on treadmills and lifting weights. They also alternate between pulling and rowing at a rowing machine. Each interval takes five to 10 minutes, and you’ll be expected to move quickly.

The workout is based on Latham’s 40-year background in physiology. The program is based on the physiological theory known as EPOC. It uses heart rate monitoring to maximize the body’s metabolism. It’s a high-intensity workout that burns calories for 36 hours after completing the routine. It’s not as intense as many people think it is. The workout’s intensity level is moderate enough to allow you to work out safely and effectively without becoming overly sore or stale.

While there are different pricing plans and types of memberships, the premium unlimited-class membership is probably the most value for money. It costs $159 for unlimited classes and allows you to attend as many classes as you want. Despite the cost, the benefits are numerous. The program’s motivating environment and coach guidance make it a great way to get in shape and lose weight. However, if you value strength training over cardio, OrangeTheory might not be for you.

Staff attitude

If you’re looking for a gym where you can get an individualized workout, consider OrangeTheory Fitness. With a small footprint, each staff member knows everyone. Comparatively, large gyms struggle to provide personal attention and create a sense of community. OrangeTheory has created that atmosphere, and one of the members even donated his kidney to another classmate. Tony’s interview with Ellen reveals how she built a loyal clientele and scaled the culture.