How to Solve Puzzle Questions


Puzzle questions test a student’s knowledge of a subject or idea. Typically, the players have to arrange alternative answer choices in a specific order. These questions can be a great way to change the dynamic of a class, test a deeper understanding of the topic, or regain concentration after a heated discussion. Many language teachers use these questions to test their students’ comprehension, but they can also be used in other subjects.

Standard puzzles asked in interviews.

Interviews often include puzzles in the first round, and a well-prepared answer can make or break the interview. Puzzles are challenging to answer, but candidates can demonstrate analytical skills by explaining their reasoning and combining information to find the best solution. They also demonstrate diligence by considering alternative solutions to the problem.

Often, puzzles are posed as a riddle or a question with a trick answer and can help a company gauge an applicant’s critical thinking and reasoning abilities. If you’re asked to solve a puzzle, make sure you’re calm and relaxed. Drink plenty of water before the interview and take a break before you get into problem-solving mode.

Some puzzles are easy to solve but beware of easy answers. You’ll spoil the fun by giving the obvious answer. For example, if you’re asked to weigh 27 coins on a two-pan balance, you’ll have to figure out which one is heavier than the rest. All of the coins, of course, look exactly alike, but only one is heavier.

Tricks to solve them

Puzzle questions may seem hard, but it doesn’t have to be this way. There are several tricks you can use to solve them. The first one is to read the question carefully. You must ensure you understand the question entirely to make the right decision. Then, you can arrange the data in a table. This way, you’ll be able to identify the negative statements and look for others that might be relevant.

Another trick is to try to make two or three possibilities at a time. By doing this, you’ll be able to fill in the blanks and reach your final destination. For example, if a certain number has an odd number of divisors, you’ll need to equal two or three more possibilities.

You can also try to solve puzzle questions with examples. This will help you understand the reasoning behind each question better. If the puzzle is complex, you can use an example to help you get a clearer picture. Also, if the passage is long, you can split it up to focus on vital information. This will make it easier to solve the puzzle.

Techniques to apply to them

There are several different techniques that you can use to solve puzzle questions. One of the best ways to solve puzzles is by applying logical reasoning. While you can use guessing to answer a question, that can lead you down the wrong path. Additionally, guessing takes up a lot of time and does not exercise the brain. Instead, try to develop your logical reasoning skills by studying examples and explanations.

Practising solving puzzles strengthens your persistence and opens your mind to new ideas. You must also learn to recognize and discard red herrings during the puzzle-solving process. This type of thinking will train your mind to be flexible and strategic. In addition, it will teach you how to tackle problem-solving situations efficiently.

A good puzzle question requires a solution and an explanation. These questions are used to assess your problem-solving abilities and analytical skills. As a result, they may have two or more wrong answers but require you to explain your reasoning. As long as you know how to interpret a puzzle question, you will be well prepared for the interview.

Techniques to explain your reasoning process

When answering puzzle questions, it’s essential to explain your reasoning process. You are often judged more on your process of solving the actual answer. This is an important skill to develop for a variety of situations. There are a few ways to improve your reasoning skills when answering puzzle questions.

Logical reasoning puzzles require you to analyze and interpret given information in a particular order. The information may be presented in a logical sequence or a table. Sometimes, the information may not be arranged in that way. However, you must have a general idea of the problem and eliminate particular possibilities.

When solving a puzzle question, it’s essential to take the time to collect the information you need first carefully. You can divide the information into direct and indirect parts and then arrange it into tables. You can also use indirect information to figure out other facts. Finally, arrange the possibilities into different tables and reject those that violate other facts.