How to Fix Sticky Slime


Making slime can be hit or miss. The texture and consistency of your slime will depend on several factors, including the recipe you use and the ingredients you use. If you’re having trouble making slime, don’t worry. There are some methods to fix sticky slime that you can try.

Baby oil

Adding a teaspoon of baby oil or lotion to sticky slime can help to make it less sticky. However, don’t overdo it as too much baby oil can make the slime too hard and not stretch as much as you want. Start by kneading the slime on a clean, flat surface. Add baby oil to the slime after it’s been kneaded a few times.

If baby oil isn’t available, try using men’s shaving cream. It will work fine. But it might change the color of your slime. If you prefer colorful slime, try using food coloring or clear laundry detergent. A couple of drops of food coloring per cup of shaving cream is fine. Then, knead the slime for a few minutes. You should also squeeze the slime back together, as this will make it less sticky.

For this recipe, you can also add a teaspoon of baking soda or contact lens solution. Mix well before adding the liquid, and don’t overmix it. This mixture will remain sticky at first, but will soon become less sticky.


If your children have made a mess of sticky slime, you can easily fix it. The process involves using a small amount of activator to loosen it. To activate the slime, mix a teaspoon of borax powder in a cup of warm water. Mix well and the slime should start to turn clear. If the slime is still sticky, you can add a small amount of glycerin.

Over activating slime can cause it to fall apart. Applying lotion or hair gel to the slime can help soften it. After this, add a small amount of activator and knead it until it no longer forms clumps. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling the slime.

Another way to fix sticky slime is by using a saline solution. Saline solution can make slime less sticky if you squirt it on your hands before kneading it. It also adds a small amount of activator to your hands so you can handle it without the risk of breaking it. However, be sure not to add too much activator as this will make the slime rubbery and breakable.

White glue

The best way to fix sticky slime is to use white glue. Clear glue is not as effective, because it lacks the same chemical structure as its PVA relative. Before applying the glue, the slime should be allowed to stretch. You can also add some dish soap to the slime. For the best results, choose a cheap, concentrated brand.

Another option is to add some glycerin or lotion. This will make the slime softer. However, if this doesn’t work, then you can use baby powder. If the glue has dried, use water instead. If that still does not work, apply some lotion.

The next step is to remove the excess liquid starch from the slime. Then, add about 1/4 cup of clear glue at a time. After several minutes, the slime will have the right consistency and should hold together. You can then store it in a closed bag overnight to harden.