How to Fix Cloudy Tap Water


If tap water has a cloudy appearance, it may be because of several problems. These include hard water, buildup on your pipes and plumbing, air bubbles, and contaminants. If any of these issues are present, you need to take action to get your tap water clear again.

Air bubbles

If you have a tap in your house, chances are that you’ve noticed that your water seems to have air bubbles. Although these are harmless, they can make your water look cloudy and taste metallic.

Luckily, fixing the problem isn’t too hard. It’s just a matter of doing a few simple steps.

The first step is to check the temperature of your water. If it’s too cold, chances are that you’ve got an air bubble or two. The temperature will be lower than usual because the air cannot escape the pipes. You can fix this by running a cold water tap.

Next, you can run the water for a few minutes to remove any air bubbles. This should be enough to make the water clear up. If not, you’ll need to run the water for a few hours to eliminate the bubbles.

Hard water

If you are having trouble with cloudy tap water, it is not uncommon to wonder if it is safe to drink. The good news is that it is not necessarily dangerous. However, you do need to take action to fix the problem.

The first step is to test the water. You can do this by using a home test kit. These kits are relatively easy to use. They consist of a paper strip that changes color when it comes in contact with the water. The legend on the strip will help you identify the type of material used.

Next, you should check the pressure in the pipes. Too much air can cause the water to look cloudy. But in can also be a sign of something more serious.

Contaminated water

You probably aren’t alone if you’ve heard of contaminated tap water. According to the Environmental Working Group, nearly one in three Americans are exposed to a contaminant in their drinking water. In addition to lead and other toxins, some pollutants can affect fetal development and cause liver damage. Testing your tap water can help prevent contaminants from entering your water.

The first thing you should do is contact your water provider. They can give you the latest information on your water quality. Once you know the exact contaminant level, you can test your tap water at home to reduce exposure.

The Environmental Working Group has compiled a water guide showing what contaminants are in tap water in different states. You can enter your zip code into the interactive guide, showing you the pollutants you’re likely to find.

Buildup on pipes and plumbing

If you have cloudy tap water, it is possible to fix the problem. But you will have to know what the cause is first.

There are several causes of cloudy tap water. Air bubbles are the most common. Other possible causes include hard water or a buildup of minerals. You can find out more by calling your local water authority.

If you have a complex water issue, you must invest in a water softener. This will remove the minerals that can be a cause of the cloudiness. If you are concerned about tap water quality, you should consult a plumber.

If your water is cloudy, the temperature may be a factor. The solubility of air in water increases with cold temperatures. During the winter, low temperatures can make the water cloudy. It is not an issue during the spring or summer.

Whole-house water filtration

Whole-house water filtration removes a variety of contaminants from all the water in your home. This can be an effective solution for cloudy tap water.

The cloudy effect of your tap water can be caused by several factors, including air bubbles in your pipes, mineral deposits, and even bacteria. Although there are some steps you can take to clear your tap water, the best remedy is to install a filtration system.

If you suspect tap water is contaminated, you can call your local water authority. They can test your water for methane and let you know if it is safe to drink.

Methane is a flammable gas that is found in well water. It can also be present in municipal water. The best way to determine whether you have methane in your water is to get a methane detector.