Digital voice recording Computers: How Much Power Do you require?


So, How Powerful Need My Recording Computer Always be?

Well, this depends drastically on your needs. I began in 2001 with a Pentium 3 550Mhz computer operating Windows 98. Compared to the modern computer (which continues to be pretty modest), that pc was like something through the Flinstones with a bit of chicken running on a treadmill to power it.

What Are Your requirements?

The power of your computer requirements for the recording computer depends on what you intend to perform with it. Are you recording mainly live rock bands? Are you planning to produce solo musicians using samples to replace the whole band? How much of your function revolves around using VST Musical instruments?

For over four years, I recorded using Sonic Foundry Vegas 3. zero. I used it like a strapping machine with little, much better editing features. I did not have much reason to change. I was mainly recording stone and metal bands in are worn-out house. I was really delighted with Vegas. I could perform pretty much everything I wanted to do. It had been that Vegas was really efficient and never really maxed my computer out. Actively playing back high-track matters in Vegas put the majority of the load on the hard drive and never so much on the CPU or even RAM. I had several blends that had well over sixty tracks. Vegas had no difficulty with those.

I decided that I wanted to get back into midi once again. I wanted to take advantage of the forces of samples, VST musical instruments, and the tremendous editing forces of midi sequencing. My spouse and I switched to Cubase SX3. Now that I realize just how highly effective Cubase SX3 is for some producers (I’m not just an executive anymore), I’m completely mesmerized. There is no going back to Nevada for me anymore. (Of course, I hear now that the most up-to-date version of Vegas carries a sequencer, but I’ve never used it).

Cubase SX3 uses WAY MORE CPU electrical power. WAY MORE! Every track My spouse and I add uses a little more COMPUTER power. Most of this has about the tremendous direct keeping track of capabilities that Steinberg’s Cubase SX3 utilizes. It’s trendy for Cubase SX3 to work out of power and primarily lock up if I want too much from Cubase, which has a latency set super, very low. Cranking up the latency draws the CPU load along drastically and then I get Cubase SX3 to be reasonably reliable.

Sonic Foundry Nevada was extremely RAM-welcoming. I could open up 5 concluded mixes simultaneously, and I almost certainly wouldn’t even use 300 MB of RAM. Cubase SX3 is the exact opposite. The idea uses RAM like My spouse, and I go through coffee on a late nite session. When I start heating samples such as Toontrack’s DFH Superior (excellent carol samples), it’s clear that I need as much RAM as I can cram into the recording computer. One example of DFH can provide you with probably the most natural-sounding drums in the world, but it can also use up TWO GB of RAM without thinking about this. OUCH!! Luckily they have a “light” mode which I use whenever tracking and arranging. Once the track is done, I transform the drums into wav files, and they become a lot more computer-friendly.

So if you are utilizing samples, you had better have TWO GB of RAM. Not all programs are as taxing because DFH Superior, but standard samples like to chew with the RAM without a conscience. If you are producing songs about other people using s multitrack recorder/midi sequencer like Cubase SX3 or even Sonar, you should get the most effective computer you can afford. It is going to save you time, effort, and some headaches. This means getting the quickest processor you can afford and the most RAM your device will hold. (Note: There exists a point of diminishing comeback in Windows XP where including more RAM doesn’t joints to do much good. Usually, 2 GB is considered regarding right by today’s standards). You will also want to check out the combined core processors that are around now.

Powerful Computers No longer Always Mean Better Recordings

There are many factors that make some recordings great. An accomplished artist who happens to make a tremendous performance of a beautiful song makes a producer great. There is no direct link between Ghz and goosebumps. (I consider goosebumps as the ultimate musical accomplishment. Only get goosebumps; the tune is fantastic! ) Developing a more powerful computer means you may render a mixdown a bit quicker. A faster computer system means you can use more consequences or effects that place a higher CPU load. Nonetheless, keep in mind that it’s considerably more important to work with better music artists and better songs.

A laptop computer is just a tool. Just because a contractor uses a drill that runs at a higher voltage will not mean his construction will probably be any better than the next dude’s. It just means his punch operated at a larger voltage. It’s important to realize that a laptop computer is just a tool that you make use of to make recordings. It, throughout and of itself, has no direct artistic value.

I was joining a funeral a few months ago. One of several very first songs I had at any time recorded happened to be played out. The power of that song has been mind-blowing! The entire crowd burst open into tears with that one particular. This song was completed on my Pentium 3 550Mhz computer years ago. I wish I possibly could capture that kind of feeling and energy now with our Athlon 64 2800!!!

Dormancy, Monitoring, and CPU Strength.

I’ve noticed in Cubase, its far CPU load is immediately related to the latency. We have set it in my M-Audio cp. With latency on the most effective setting, Cubase SX3 could possibly get tired pretty quickly. Still, when I pump the dormancy up to 384ms, I realize that I have much, much more CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT power left.

The only purpose I would keep the latency refused super low would be as a result of direct monitoring within Cubase. If I was to use an outside mixer and split the particular recorded signal off just before it even ran directly into my soundcard, I would manage to keep the latency set greater, therefore reducing our CPU load tremendously.


Top home-saving programs with intense capabilities typically use the most CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT power and RAM. Should your recording methods require fewer features a program like Sony Vegas will execute exceptionally well with moderate CPU power.

Brandon Drury runs an active home-saving forum but doesn’t skip his guitar recording posts and blogs.

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