What is the Difference Between IVF and Artificial Insemination?


For most married couples, having children is a long-awaited dream. But unfortunately, not all couples can easily realize their dreams. Fortunately, the medical world that has advanced as it is today can help couples to have children. Two of these medical methods are artificial insemination and IVF. To do artificial insemination, you need a surrogate. You can visit our surrogacy agency to meet the surrogate mother and arranges the contract and the follow-up of surrogate birth.

What is the difference between artificial insemination and IVF?

Artificial insemination and IVF are the two most common medical methods which people choose to solve infertility. Infertility itself is a condition when a woman does not get pregnant even though she has had sexual intercourse many times. Generally, this condition is caused by problems with the reproductive system, both in women and men. For example, abnormal sperm production or function in men, ovulation disorders in women, or a combination of the two.

In addition, problems in other reproductive systems can be the cause of this infertility. Both insemination and IVF are often an option when problems with the reproductive system that prevents pregnancy cannot be cured. Both are also part of assisted conception or assisted reproductive technology (ART) which has helped many couples to get pregnant and have children. By performing one of these medical procedures, couples who are infertile and have difficulty conceiving can have a chance to have children. Both of them are also fairly safe for you and your partner to live in as long as it is done by the right experts. Then, which method do you need to undergo and what is the difference between artificial insemination and IVF?

Although both can increase the chances of pregnancy, these two methods have different processes. The following is an explanation of each process.

Artificial insemination process

Artificial insemination, also known as intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a method that involves placing sperm directly into a woman’s uterus. In this method, the sperm from the man’s semen is washed first to select active and normal sperm, then put into a catheter. This catheter is then inserted into the uterus through the vagina and cervix. After that, the sperm will automatically reach the fallopian tube and find the egg to be fertilized.

The artificial insemination procedure will be carried out during a woman’s fertile period or when ovulation occurs. This allows the sperm to meet the egg higher so that pregnancy is more likely. This process is what makes artificial insemination look more natural than IVF. However, depending on the cause of infertility, doctors can also do this process with the help of fertility drugs to induce ovulation or increase the number of eggs.

IVF process

Although both helped unite sperm and eggs, the difference between artificial insemination and IVF is the place where fertilization occurs. In artificial insemination, fertilization occurs in the mother’s womb. While in IVF, fertilization will occur outside the body, precisely in a special container in the laboratory. For this reason, this method is called IVF or in vitro fertilization (IVF).

In the IVF program, the ovaries will be stimulated first to produce more eggs. Furthermore, the mature egg will be taken from the ovary to be then met with sperm in a special container. In this container, fertilization will occur which then forms an embryo. The embryo will be incubated for 3-5 days until it will finally be inserted into the woman’s uterus. The inserted embryo is what is expected to develop until then pregnancy occurs.

In general, the success rate of the IVF program is higher than artificial insemination. However, artificial insemination is often the first choice to help get pregnant because it is cheaper and has a lower likelihood of risk. In addition to twin pregnancies, IVF is also at risk of causing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a condition in which the ovaries become swollen or painful as a result of taking medications to induce ovulation. Therefore, instead of looking for which method is better, you and your partner need to know which method is the most appropriate for your condition. To find out, you need to consult a doctor. You and your partner may also need to undergo various examination tests to find out the right method.

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