Using the Power of Momentum to Do Your Career and Business Aspiration?


How to Use the Power of Momentum to help Pursue Your Career and Small business Dream?

April 2012 is slowly but surely rolled at the end. It was time for you to evaluate our journey to reach our resolution and the dreams we set in the early new year.

Where are most of us in the pursuit of our wishes this year?

What will your life be like at the end of last year when we still do what we do currently?

Whether we will achieve the particular goals we set at the start of this year, or whether the goals remain just a simple dream?

How often do we help to make resolutions to achieve a dream at the start of the year but end up merely being a dream and just any euphoric moment only?

Like most individuals, once I often get caught in the phenomenon of aspirations in broad daylight. Image resolution just becomes a mere image resolution; over the years, my life has just re-writing in the same place.

One of the most challenging at the same time of achieving the dream makes us want to get started.

Most of us have goals and aspirations and then constantly struggle to find details and make a plan, which sometimes leads to never taking action around the plan.

Making plans for your dream might make you feel did something for your dream. Still, until you execute the plan directly into action and learn from the particular results/ feedback you get, you will never be able to progress close to your dreams, and you should never be able to achieve that.

My question is, once you have gathered your courage, and also you make the decision to act, is it sure that you will surely achieve your entire dreams?

NO! At first, you will likely realize that everything is more complex than you assumed, right?

Seems like you are managing with no rhythm and go up the mountain with puffing; you will face challenges, absence of capital, lack of expertise, absence of skills, the face of distance away from, delays, fear, worry, in addition, to slowly but surely you begin to lose assurance and your belief in your aspiration.

In difficult times such as these, many people eventually give up making their dreams on the aspiration box in broad day. They finally put aside his / her dream and return to the enjoyment zone.

Worse yet, last but not least, he only decided to live an average lifetime and no longer had the confidence to succeed in following up on his dream. They thought we would adopt the belief that they are not simple, can not, can not afford to be more successful in their lives.

Perhaps you have experienced it by yourself?

Tend to worry many people experience the item. Even I experienced that.

Long before I built our businesses, became a property buyer, built a franchising management business, and became a public speaker and private coach to hundreds of business people and corporate executives, I was insecure, shy, and stuttering. I started my quest from a small village in Core Java – Indonesia.

And so, the above scenario is not the final of your journey if you want to commit. You can take back your current dreams that you have set aside, commence over from scratch and begin to know what I will share with you in this article.

As you can see, all the difficulties above are often natural phases that we have got to face in pursuit of our wishes. It will continue with different higher levels of difficulty in our next level in life.

You will re-experience your challenges even if you have successfully overcome the challenges you face now. Because almost any expertise, skills, habits, thought patterns, and networks that have contributed to achieving your current higher level of life will NEVER be able to create for you to the next level of your life! We generally need new expertise, capabilities, habits, attitudes, and multilevel.

Many people stopped in the first phase when subjected to concern in pursuing their wishes because they thought it would generally look so heavy, oppressive, and scary.

What they do not realize is that if they need to find out from any feedback and results they get from their previous actions, they can help make changes in strategy and consider new actions.

So we are persistent in doing the same steps time by time, mainly when our actions do not supply results that lead people to our dreams, but we all become people who continually act and smartly change our strategy.

As in training, I performed for one of the largest insurance firms in Indonesia.

I found that will their member have fantastic spirit and morale, and there is a great culture not to stop trying before they were turned down around 10 000 times.

Are you prepared and mentally strong if you have been rejected 10 000 times in each step we consider?

I don’t think so. I do not want to be terminated for as much as 10 000 moments for one of my steps. It would be better if you were finally rejected 2200 times and stopped to think and find out from the result.

Consider the responses you get, and change your tactic.

Improve your sales presentation, swap out your target customers, improve the means you communicate, change your overall look, change attitudes and behaviors, etc.

By working more intelligently and remaining persistent, you do not experience rejection 10 000 times without learning something from this.

By doing this, every step you take in the future will become considerably more accessible and more manageable. You will become a different person every time you educate any feedback you get from previous actions. The level of know-how, skills, attitudes, habits, and perhaps your network will change little by little.

The “muscles” of your imagination will become stronger, you will be emotionally well-trained, and you will become more plus more powerful to bear a more substantial load.

Is this also take place in our physical muscles properly? The more we practice, it will eventually become stronger and more capable of bearing a heavier fill-up.

Finally, just as we make an effort to push a broken down automobile. It would be hard at first, but after the car goes, the momentum power will also take as well, as we will feel more manageable.

Abruptly we realize that we do not must push it too solid to roll forward once more; everything was light and fun.

This experience may apply in your life too! All that you should do is keep moving forwards.

Even if you can not stand up with your feet, get up with your joints, hands, and spider! Keep moving to your dreams, and stay committed to never giving up! Regular forces, the momentum regarding motion, will help you to roll.

It is the law of nature that will everything always has its introductory period.

We need a minimum of seven months in our mother’s tummy to be born-ready and able to survive. All of the seeds we plant usually need preparation time to have the ability to grow appropriately. The time associated with preparation is the key.

What do you do with all the difficulties you face within your preparation period? Do you quit, or do you learn from it?

If you wish to speed up the process, here’s the message: work with 100% of the hearts, minds, resources, and energy. Work harder and faster, and take a more significant step each time. Remember to stop and learn through any feedback you get.

Many people do not realize their aspirations in pursuing their dreams because they are afraid and do not desire to give 100% of himself/ herself to pursue the dream. They hold the electricity, resources, and efforts to look for their dreams.

Maybe they just do not realize it, but they believe they are more comfortable working slowly and gradually, avoiding the risk, and returning to their comfort zone. Many companies I’ve met even explained they were “trying” to do business and since a part-time activity. If you are “trying” to do business and as some sort of “part time,” the result can be just “try and small” because you do not put ultimately heart, mind, and your efforts into it.

If you want to make actual progress in your life, commit to acquiring more significant steps, give complete energy, and 100% consider your dreams. By doing this, you may push yourself to start to act and find yourself sailing along the sea, challenging each wave and storm against you in pursuing your dreams.

Let’s start to act and learn from feedback that you simply have!

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