The best way to Simplify Thinking and Almost everything



We all face issues in life, especially when we must consider them instead of simply accepting them. Most of us ask: Can we simplify our own life? Can we find one easy concept that is sufficient about analyzing, managing, and finding anything and everything? Can we solve any difficulty or win any competitors using a straightforward idea? Perhaps you have wondered if we could decrease everything to one idea?

Using these questions, I spent the previous few years, analyzing our thinking, as well as our social and financial situations. Through observing my thinking, discussing with people their very own problems, and studying conventional logic and psychology, I ran across the following ideas worth revealing.

For any business of lifestyle, my point of view is that each activity is based on some standard details. If we can understand individuals’ common points present in just about any activity, we can definitely steer clear of mistakes and make success specific. But what is meant by these types of common issues? I will attempt to explain briefly.

In anything at all, person, group, time, area, or activity whatever is comparable, repeating, between or which is common is the typical stage. Anything common over time or even across space is a common stage. Anything familiar among personal efforts or collective initiatives is common place. Thus in any activity in any walk of life or in any steer, the thing which plays typically the central role is the famous point in that activity.

Intended for better understanding we can admit whatever creates a relation amid things by connecting these people, establishes a contact together, as a result of which some task comes into existence is the specific point.

For example , in any company entity, the personality from the leader of the organization may be the common point. The leader with the charm of his character, and abilities and expertise not only binds the team with each other but also motivates the team to operate harder as a result of which the business progresses and the company generate higher profit. Contrary to this particular, if the personality of the chief is weak, regardless of the good plans and high expertise of labor, the results are going to be opposite.

People compete intended for things which they consider to obtain value. There is a common place, or agreement that something happens to be of value worth expenditure. Despite this, people cooperate any time faced with mutual threat. This kind of mutual threat is a familiar place.

Like there are nerves within body which connect every part of body with mind, they take signals through body to brain as well as commands from brain in order to body, and act as typical point between body as well as brain, there are common factors in any system, organization or even setup. Through the knowledge of these types of points, we can analyze, deal with or innovate the existing build up. The most critical systems in our life is usually our mind.

In any ballpark of life, our judgements shape our life. All these decisions are based on our contemplating, and our analysis involving situation. Thus, it is our own thinking that shapes our living. In this view, the most crucial action in our life is thinking. Considering for analyzing situations, as well as for innovating new outcomes. When we can demonstrate the importance of typical points, demonstrate that they perform central role in the considering, we can also show their own importance in every struggle associated with life.

Let us observe some thing we all went through in most recent minutes.

As you are listening to this kind of, your mind is processing this data. Did it happen that while enjoying this, you heard of a number of word, phrase or term, and it reminded you involving something else? It happened. Did it not necessarily? Although you were listening to this kind of lecture, a part of this pitch made you recall something completely different, perhaps irrelevant.

It happens a good deal. Every time you listen, read, notice one thing, another idea appears in your mind, and the reason it is about is that your mind picks part of what you are consciously observing as well as forms a bridge between conscious observation and something otherwise in mind.

Let us go through an additional example to clarify this particular. Let us say, your buddy remarks about the freshness associated with fruits when you both are within market. This idea of ‘fresh’ helps you recall that an additional friend asked you to purchase a fresh cake for celebration. But the ‘cake’ is nice, so you remember. And consuming ‘sweet’ can cause problems for your personal ‘diabetes’ and for keeping your personal ‘diabetes’ in check, you should often take ‘medicine’. But , you actually recall that your ‘medicine’ usually are about to end and you should ‘buy more medicine’. For ‘buying more medicine’, you decide to commute to nearest medical retailer after buying the fruits on this market.

This journey connected with thoughts from freshness connected with fruits to deciding they are driving to medical store seemed to be possible through a series of things that formed a passage.

Each time, you come across an idea, a factor of the idea helps you thought another idea. In preceding examples, they are ‘fresh’, ‘cake’, ‘sweet’, ‘diabetes’, ‘take medicine’, and ‘buy medicine’. These kind of ideas form a passage between current thought in addition to immediate next idea. Alone they are common points in between two consecutive ideas and also collectively they are common level between two remote concepts of ‘freshness’ and ‘driving’.

This is how we move from one idea to another. This is the fluidity of imagination. It is also an exceptionally powerful method of creative thinking.

On this example we were recalling issues, but we can also mix up things, merge them, produce new ones in the similar fashion. For example , think of on your own making a cup of tea. You increase hot water, a tea case, and sugar in a mug. From ‘hot water’ a person recall drinking ‘lemon’ using warm water yesterday, for the first time which has been a great experience. Coming back to herbal tea, you decide to add some lemon with this mixture of warm water with herbal tea. You end up creating a new herbal tea for yourself. It is black herbal tea with lemon. The common place ‘hot water’ helped anyone connect two ideas involving black tea and citrus which were initially separate.

Undoubtedly, it is the same way someone discovered another means mobile phones with camera by simply observing the common trait which both can be held in hands. This hand held feature is the common point. Perhaps, this individual observed this feature through chance or due to the wish to take and send a photograph to a loved one through cell phone. However , this common stage enabled him to combine both machines.

Had cameras becoming big like cars, or maybe had the common point involving camera and mobile always been unobserved, you would never acquire selfies. How sad would likely that be? So after you take selfies, never forget popular points and their power to debut, and invent.

But could be the application of common points merely limited to memory recall, along with innovation? No. It reaches up to logic, critical thinking, and also analysis of observation.

Just like the fluidity, and memory recollect, our concepts are overlapping and mixed. Some ideas which can be part of broader ideas, can build a bridge between a couple of more general ideas. In some cases, they could form a bridge between other ideas and help us to choose the argument against it is a proponent.

For example , someone states that ‘Everyone has flexibility to do whatever he or she wants. Therefore, there must not be virtually any restrictions at all’. Out of this argument it follows that you is not restricted from curbing freedom of others. Hence, as a result, the chances are there will be at least one individual who won’t have space to do at least one matter he or she wishes. This contradicts the claim that everyone has mobility to do whatever he or she hopes.

As we can see, the idea that ‘one is not restricted from halting freedom of others’ practices from the conclusion of controversy ‘there must not be any prohibitions at all’ and logs onto it with the opposite connected with premise of argument ‘Everyone has freedom to do anything he or she wishes’. As a result, very between two opposite thoughts.

This is why some philosopher the moment remarked: Every thesis features seeds of its own negation. Thus any argument could possibly be turned on its head, by means of identifying something within the manufacturing unit of the idea and using the item to produce a conclusion that contradicts initial statement.

But the position of common points exercises beyond simple negation. They will in fact create arguments, and allow conclusions. For example, I say: Support companies are hiring AI authorities these days. All AI professionals are experts in elegant thinking. Therefore, tech online businesses are hiring experts in smart thinking. By being common in between two ideas of Technical companies hiring and specialist of formal thinking, the particular terms ‘AI expert’ makes it possible to00 conclude something about the connection of these two ideas.

Still, due to their conclusive power, the average points can be deceptive. Take into account another argument: Knowledge will be power. Power tends to virus ridden. Therefore, knowledge corrupts.

In this article apparently the term ‘power’ frequently occurs point but it has been found in two different meanings. The strength that corrupts is strength over humans and electricity comes from knowledge is electric power over one’s own weak spots. Therefore, it is not common between your two ideas.

Unwary in this dual meaning, reader is usually deceived into believing know-how is corrupt. This technique, connected with argumentation, is employed by freak leaders, primarily religious.

So, for clear thinking, which will we must do for healthy diet our lives better, we must recognize and refine our comprehension of common points in any debate. For analyzing any discussion, we must focus on the everyday items in it, we must identify their particular presence and absence, their very own definitions and uses.

The same as there can be the same concept popular between two concepts which often enables inference, sometimes you can identify similarities common involving two things to conclude something. It is called analogies. For example , this kind of presentation is getting long similar to river Nile. This span is the common trait between the two – my introduction and the Nile. Thus, caused by similarity it can be concluded that I’m going to talk even more. However, a fantastic presentation should be like a lady’s skirt; long enough to cover the niche and short enough to make interest. Thus, we can determine that I will finish the idea soon. But we will see that the inference is correct, and that analogy worked.

Within analogies too, familiar parts of similarities enable us to conclusion, and therefore these can be misleading too. We must then be cautious when establishing similarities.

Not just similarities between two things, however a pattern that is typical across several things helps us all classify things or help make abstractions. For example, we discover that the animals that chest feed give birth instead then lay eggs. Thus many of us generalize that all animals which breast feed give birth and labor. Although, a breast feeding creature may lay eggs. For instance, Duck-billed platypus. Thus, yet again, common points or typical traits enable us to generalize, but caution should be used.

Similarly, if a pattern is usual over time it can be helpful in projecting or may indicate regard to cause and influence. For example, every time the critical bank announces something economical market shows an increased volatile market. One may suggest that the press releases are the cause of an increased volatile market. However, such generalizations are generally suggestive only, and rarely conclusive.

This way our overall thinking, our very first step toward life, because our contemplating shapes our life, merely works because of ideas which form a bridge, tips that are same, similar, as well as repeating. These are common involving other ideas. Therefore, these are typically common points. It is all these common points that are suffering from to recall, innovate, sort out, deduce, or infer.

In a nutshell, think of a chain tied to a stone. Each link associated with the chain ensures that the whole cycle acts as one unit as well as enables you to pull the rock in the desired direction. But if even one hyperlink in chain breaks, you are not able to remove the rock. Just like these links associated with the chain, our thoughts, activities, relations, systems or anything at all depends on those points which enable connection between several points. These links are typical points. And just like every link of the chain logs onto with an immediate next web page link, common points connect with speedy next one only. An absence of a common issue between up to two issues means that they cannot work together being a system.

Our thinking is definitely governed by everyday things. But, we can consciously review them for avoiding almost any mistakes, and for determinedly dealing with and deliberately innovating fresh outcomes. Just like we inhale and exhale naturally, but we can on purpose alter the rhythm of deep breathing to achieve certain psychological express, we can deliberately use the frequent points, which already make use of naturally, to achieve our targets.

By consciously observing the usual points, refining them, handling them, and innovating these we can analyze, manage and also innovate anything and everything. We shorten. We reduce every problem to one idea. The idea of widespread points. That is whatever is definitely same, similar, repeating and is particularly in between two or more things, things, time or ideas.

As the common points play a middle role in our thinking, in addition to our thinking shaping all of our life, it is necessary to analyze the more common points in every sphere connected with life too. Thus to get problem-solving we must refine the understanding of the expected points.

Today the question we need to response to is simply one question: Exactly what are common points in our current problem situation?

To answer this one question, we need to give attention to four concepts. We will experience these four concept today, before describing seven ways required to implement the system to get analyzing, managing, or searching for through common points.

Firstly, we observe things that are normal across time or men and women because they are repeating, either as time passes, or across individuals like you wish to advertise your product. And also you observe that every time there is a sports match, most the people acquire around television, even people that would not watch usually. Consequently, you can use this repetition after a while, which is predictable, for selling your product to most persons.

Likewise, you may observe a new repeating pattern among kids in an area. You find out all their desire to learn music. Once you discover music, you have found a potential way, either to multilevel with them, or to sell these individuals some lessons.

Now, something else you should do is find anyone as well as anything that is common among some others. For example, the intermediaries such as wholesalers of the solution markets exist between the companies and buyers. They link up the two which is a positive purpose. However, they hoard to enhance the prices which is a negative purpose. A government regulation, sweetened tax or subsidy, which often influence these intermediaries can influence both buyers and makers indirectly because the intermediaries can adjust their behavior correctly.

Next, you may now view things that are the same. For example, many times out that the same one who is your neighbor is also the person in a research organization that you desire to join. You can ask him to help you and perhaps assist you to become a member. Your husband is, therefore, familiar in your way on the path to the organization you wish to join.

Such as same, another concept is comparable. Similarities allow for analogies that are a powerful means for either interacting ideas or feeling to people who have not experienced all of them, or for understanding facets of a thing similar to another.

An excellent example of analogies is poetry. Faiz, a poet from Asian countries, is known for his utilization of metaphors. He wrote the poem for his much loved one, expressing how he skipped her. He said, within the desert of my isolation, my love, quiver the actual shadows of your voice, the actual mirage of your lips. Using the analogies of desert dithers, and mirage he indicated how he missed their beloved in a way that now anybody who understand the common place of desert, quiver along with mirage can grasp the power of his desire to bring together with his beloved.

Analogies support us express our ways to those who have not learnt these people by using ideas that are typically understood by all of us and still have similarities with our thoughts which often we wish to express. As a result, in communication using analogie there are two standard details. One is that ideas employed as analogies are commonly realized by all, and a pair of these ideas is used because analogies and the idea that we wish to communicate using one of these analogies have common characteristics or common points.

Right now the question you must request is: How can we make use of this idea of common points with regard to analyzing, managing and finding?

To analyze, manage, and pioneer using the common points, we have to identify, refine, modify as well as remove them. To do so, we must question a series of questions. These inquiries should help us discover and refine them, ahead of we can modify, remove or perhaps add new points. Often the goal is to see the total situation as a set of widespread points knit together with other points, and through the idea of nature of these points, you should be able to see the map of the possibilities, possibilities of change. There is also a seven-step process seeing that follow:

Step 1: Identify:

10th question to ask: What are the widespread points?

That which is identical, similar, between, or continuing in time periods, things, places, people, ideas and steps, etc.

Step 2: Challenge:

the very first question to ask: Are we all perceiving a common point that usually in fact does not exist?

Obstacle your observation by inquiring: Is that so? What happens if it is not?

2nd question to inquire: Are there some common points that usually we are unaware?

Step 3: Improve:

1st question to ask: Will there be any ambiguity or vagueness in the understanding common things?

Recall the example of know-how is power. The word ‘power’ was ambiguous. Each widespread point must have a clear explanation. There must not be any overlapping, fuzzy, unclear meanings.

next question to ask: Do we have insufficiency information about common things?

It is possible that some common things are hidden deep inside apparent observations. It would be best if you burrowed deep within.

3rd concern to ask: Do we confuse some common points to be much more overlapping?

For example, etiquettes regarding meetings are common point between people of a culture. Etiquettes for meeting close friends are generally not the same as those for unknown people. One may confuse the two etiquettes assuming that after all both unknown people and friends are human beings.

4th question to ask: Will be the common points found quick the issues between that they can are common?

For example , let us see a, b, c, deb, and e, and the chemical is exactly in middle of your, and e but not the more common between a, and elizabeth. In this case, b, c, in addition to d are collectively widespread between and a, and at the while b is expected in between a, and c much like c is common between c and d and deb between c and at the.

The aim should be to knit the complete picture without any missing part of the information, without any jump, and move from one point to simply the immediate next one. So we can see all the possibilities.

Thought, the earlier example of going to the sector of fresh fruits and making a decision to drive to buy medicine. A new jump from fresh fruits to help driving would not justify the reason and how we suddenly went to therapy when we are quickly purchase fresh fruits.

Step 4: Reveal:

1st question to ask: Will this be the nature of the common items be?

Their definitions, functions, constraints, and reasons for lifestyle.

Step 5: Knit the picture:

the very first question: What are the additional points between which they are normal?

2nd question to ask: How do they relate to other items between which they are common?

Step six: Innovate and manage:

the very first question to ask: How can all of them be modified?

For example, the wall exists between our office room and my library. I wish to have instant access to the next room. We can modify the wall and also a doorway.

2nd question for individuals: How can there be a slow introduction of a new widespread point?

For example, there are no intercoms between my room in addition to another room where my dad works. I can add the intercom, which will be a common position for quick communication.

3 rd question to ask: How can good common points be avoided? Or can quickly some of them be deleted from your system?

For example , one of the house windows of my room clears towards a school. During mid-day break, the kids come to enjoy the ground and play. This particular creates much noise. And also, the window acts as a typical stage for allowing this to visit my room. The cup panes of the window are not sound proof. What I do was to buy new cup panes which were good evidence and close my home windows during the midday break. By doing this, I avoid the typical stage, which allows for noise in the future in my room when I have to.

Step 7: The big picture:

The first Question to ask: What is the image of the entire situation with the knowledge of common points?

With this particular basic setup, you can determine, analyze, manage, and pioneer any situation or resolve the problem. You have learned the way the common points can be used to produce and analyze arguments, and also the these points can be used to debut, and manage anything within. This basic setup provides you with everything you need to be intended for simplifying your life. However, needed knowledge is not sufficient intended for practical affairs of lifestyle. The application of this to precise areas of life is needed.

The same as mind is the most essential technique in our lives, and it is a standard point in every activity of our lives, economic activity impact on our lives too. Everyone participates in economic activity, be it not necessarily for profit organization, job supply, own business, or maybe investing. The financial task has an influence on the remainder of the activities in our lives. Consequently, economic activity is another popular point in our lives. Because it is critical, it is between other

activities, it repeatedly influences our own life. In economic action, the central role is actually competition. Whether it is NGO or any business, people compete one another for there is an agreement. The actual agreement is that the money is essential for living, the money is actually central for our modern life as we no longer live in old fashioned communal tribes. Thus, competitors is a common point because it is main in economic activity, it really is between all activities throughout market, it repeatedly impact on all decisions, and is similar in all forms of activities. Therefore one of the crucial standard parts of life is competition.

Everyone deals with competition in life. In life, sometimes we fight, or many of us run forever. If we manage, we end up exhausted, along with unfulfilled. Thus, our just option is to fight to struggle and compete. An excellent we are not equipped with resources and knowledge of competition, all of us inevitably lose our time and scarce resources. All of us lose matches too. Therefore, there is a need to learn competition.

For that reason in coming lectures, I will be analyzing the competition using the simpleness and power of common factors.

The Common Points ©

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