Sri M – Discuss at The Hindu Temple of Metropolitan Washington, 10001 Riggs Rd, Adelphi, MD 20783


A Religious Information, Social Reformer and Educationalist

Sri M, social reformer, educationalist and non secular information studied the Science of Spirituality with the Himalayan Masters. He walked 4,600 miles throughout India for peace and concord and led related walks in Germany and Netherlands

Sri M’s message seeks to transcend the outer-shell of all religions, by exploring their mystical core to nurture the innate goodness in each human being.

His writings embrace his greatest promoting autobiography Apprenticed to a Himalayan Grasp and its sequel The Journey Continues; Knowledge of the Rishis; The Upanishads; The Little Information to Better Glory and a Happier Life; and Jewel within the Lotus: Deeper Facets of Hinduism.

Sunday, September 17, 2017, 5.00PM – 7.00PM
The Hindu Temple of Metropolitan Washington, 10001 Riggs Rd, Adelphi, MD 20783
(; Cellphone: 301-445-2165, 301.434.1000)
Additional data:,
E-mail: [email protected]

Some hyperlinks on Sri M’s work:

Web site:

Strolling for Hope UN Meet Bangkok:

Chal Chalen video:

Stroll of Hope India 2016- Official Web site:
Stroll of Hope 2017@ Europe – Official Web site of the Stroll of Hope @ Europe:
Discuss at Yahoo California:

Discuss at Google California:
Interviews with “Buddha on the Gasoline Pump”:,

 Journey Continues: A Sequel To Apprenticed To A Himalayan Grasp:
 Apprenticed to a Himalayan Grasp: A Yogi’s Autobiography:
 Knowledge of the Rishis: The Three Upanishads: Ishavasya, Kena & Mandukya:
 Jewel within the Lotus: Deeper Facets of Hinduism:
 The Little Information To Better Glory And A Happier Life:
