Problem Identification Steps


A problem identification process can be used to make sure that you are on the right track when you are working on a problem. Implementing a problem identification plan can include using TRIZ, Upah & Tilly, or a Case management process. You should always follow a step-by-step approach when you are doing this.


TRIZ is a problem-solving method developed by a Soviet engineer named Genrich Altshuller. It is an invention process that uses invention principles to solve problems.

TRIZ is an organized, systematic approach to problem-solving. It uses the topological search technique to create a “tree of relationships” that explains how a problem could be solved. The search result is a list of positives and negatives, which can then be compared to a specific issue.

TRIZ is not only used to solve problems but also to inspire new concepts and improve systems. It is a powerful tool that helps you think creatively and efficiently.

Ingenious solutions resolve contradictions without compromising. TRIZ can help you achieve this by identifying the primary function of a problem and finding inventive solutions to it. It can be applied to any situation. For example, it can be used to solve a technical issue or to find a solution to a customer’s need.

Upah & Tilly’s framework

The Upah and Tilly framework for problem identification is a multifaceted beast. It uses a logical progression of stages to identify and efficiently address the most glaring ills. Aside from the usual suspects, many research-based solutions is now being employed in various clinics and universities.

The Upah & Tilly framework for problem identification comes with a caveat. It is not cheap to implement, and implementers must be mindful of the following: a.) A large portion of the population in this country is underserved; b.) Many schools are understaffed. With limited resources, making the most of every ounce of available resources is paramount. The Upah & Tilly framework lays the foundation for a data-driven approach. The result is a more effective and efficient method of identifying and addressing student problems. It is proven that a well-executed intervention improves academic performance, increases retention rates, and decreases tardies. Consequently, promoting only proven solutions is a moral imperative.

Case management process

Case management is a process that helps patients get through the healthcare journey. The process involves identifying, analyzing, and resolving issues. It also ensures the safety and continuity of care.

Case managers identify clients based on criteria that are specific to the organization. They then develop a care plan and communicate with the client’s support system. The program addresses the client’s health, self-care, and other needs. The case manager then executes the program.

After the plan is implemented, the case manager monitors the patient’s progress. The case manager may need to return to the planning phase if they notice that the plan is not achieving its intended objectives. The follow-up phase includes reevaluating the client’s condition and reviewing the case management plan.

The organization must continually collect and evaluate data to determine if the program is working. The organization can then use the data to improve the handling of future cases.

Implementing a problem identification plan

Developing a problem identification plan is one of the first steps to solving a problem. The purpose is to identify, assess and eliminate or reduce the impact of the problem. The process is essential because it offers a base for intervention selection.

A problem is defined as a discrepancy between expected and observed performance. This can be in performance level, skill set, or anticipated academic performance. It may also be an expected behavioral pattern. To effectively identify the problem, you should consider the full range of factors. Among these are interviews, surveys, observations, and evidence-based research.

The first step to identifying the problem is to identify the underlying issue. The process involves developing clear and objective problem statements. These statements should be based on empirical observations and include the full range of objectives and constraints on opportunities. It also involves testing these statements through detailed analysis and evaluation. The resulting initiatives should address the identified problems.