Categories: Hinduism Beliefs

Hindu Instructional Convention @ WHC 2018 – Session 5

Session 5 – Responding to Western Educational Challenges

Chair: Prof Arvind Sharma (Professor of Faith, McGill College, Canada)

Panelists: Shri Rajiv Malhotra (Founder Infinity Basis, USA)
Dr Koenraad Elst (Indologist and Author, Belgium)
Padma Bhushan David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri) (American Institute of Vedic Research, USA)

Session description: “There’s a stark dichotomy between the true Hindu historical past and custom as it’s practiced and the style through which it’s described each within the academia and the mainstream media. Furthermore, the depiction within the textual content books or within the media protection of Hindu dharma, tradition and society depends on stereotypical fallacies and the analyses of Hindu “specialists” who’re hardly ever practising Hindus themselves and lack the perception into the custom that comes via direct apply.”
